Cataphoresis treatment

Metal artifacts protection through cataphoresis treatments

Cataphoresis, the surface treatment to ensure long preservation of metal alloys

We guarantee cataphoresis treatments of the highest quality, tested to ensure maximum durability for metal products. 


The treatment

The cataphoresis process consists of a surface treatment by immersion in water, within which there will be a flow that will allow a complete coating of the entire surface immersed in the liquid.

The galvanic procedure is able to provide protection from weathering, alkalis, and dilute acids to current-conducting metal artifacts, such as those made of steel and iron.

A three-step immersion coating

Thanks to this process, total anti-corrosion protection of the product is achieved, even in places that are difficult to reach with a traditional spray system (boxed, deep bends, couplings, etc.).

All metal artifacts must be fully prepared and cleaned by immersion steps and rinsing with specially prepared alkaline solutions to remove all oily or ferrous residues.

Pretreatment is essential because it prepares the metal object for cataphoresis painting. The phenomenon of activation and phosphating to zinc salts also takes place at this stage, which is useful for providing a first level of protection against various types of corrosion, such as rust for example.

We use a technically advanced treatment system that is particularly suitable where high protection is required for manufactured goods, making them resistant to corrosion and weathering.

Workmec's guarantees

To ensure a high-performance treatment we subject each step of the coating to rigorous tests such as chemical and physical testing for process characterization and production.

Depending on the required specifications, it can be over-applied with products: baked enamels in general of any nature, synthetic or catalyzed, epoxy powder products, polyurethane, polyester, epoxy polyester.


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