Workmec®-RS2324 - programma di ricerca e sviluppo per il biennio 2023-2024

Workmec® - RS2324

Research and development program for the biennium 2023-2024

Improving production efficiency and product innovation has always been one of the primary goals for Workmec®.

Research and development are crucial elements of scientific, technological and economic progress that can increase the efficiency and quality of a company’s manufactured goods.

Workmec® has recently initiated an R&D program dedicated to production efficiency and product innovation.

One of the key points of the project: 3D technology

Using an innovative prototyping service for job-order samples using 3D printers and scanners is made possible through close collaboration with companies in the Workmec® supply chain.

The Workmec®-RS2324 program will be a major investment in terms of financial and human resources, which will further consolidate Workmec®’s position as a leading manufacturer of filter cages and frames for filter sleeves on the Italian market and internationally.

3D printers and scanners are very useful tools for the creation and reproduction of various types of components, including those intended for leak testing.

The flexibility and versatility of these technologies allow prototypes and test pieces to be produced quickly and inexpensively without the need for expensive equipment and production processes.

Personalizzazione con la stampa 3d

Innovation and customisation: the key to success

We have decided to invest in research and development programmes in order to continue to grow and better meet the needs of customers, who are increasingly oriented towards high-performance products that are fully customised to their specific requirements.

Producing fully customised products is one of the aspects that allow Workmec to stand out, maintaining an important competitive advantage in a market where competition is increasingly strong.