Custom filter cages

Custom filter cages solutions and tailor-made and for air purification systems

We provide excellent custom filter cages for different fields of application, the result of our expertise in design, materials selection and manufacturing process selection, to ensure constant improvement in the performance and longevity of air filtration systems.

Thank our reliability, quality, and speed will give to our dust collector to ensure maximum efficiency on air purification systems of all sizes and types because they are tailored to your company’s needs.

Filters for mounting from below

Workmec: Custom filter cages world leader

The production of dust collectors varies according to the different requirements, which may be morphological or related to the environmental conditions of service and transport or storage of the artefact.

The composition of the gas and the type of filter bags used significantly influence the product design specifications, the choice of surface treatment and raw materials. 

Our company is committed to realizing custom filter bag cages for every need.

Three reasons why you should choose Workmec:

  • Technical skills

    Thanks to our team’s deep technological knowledge and versatility, we are able to provide immediate answers and  and ensure that every detail meets high standards and that delivery times are quick.

  • An ethical and sustainable approach

    We manage every stage of our work with the utmost ethics and transparency, taking part in every process and constantly updating the customer at all stages. We care about the environment, which is why as a company we have chosen to embark on a green conversion, making conscious choices that minimize pollutant emissions.

  • A controlled supply chain

    We operate closely with various partner companies in Italy and Europe. The partnership with specialized companies allows us to offer the market high-quality finished products and innovative solutions.

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